Business Objects
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
Domain |
String |
The domain. |
Name |
String |
The Name associated with the account |
ActiveUsers |
Integer |
The number of active users on the account |
UserLimit |
Integer |
The number of users allowed to be active on the account |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The account alias id. |
Domain |
String |
The domain. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The module id. |
Code |
String |
The account module code. |
Name |
String |
The name of the account module. |
Description |
String |
The description of the account module. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
AccountOptionId |
Integer |
The account option id. |
DefaultValue |
String |
The default value for the option. |
Description |
String |
The description of the option. |
Editable |
Boolean |
Is this option editable? |
Group |
String |
The group that the option belongs to (currently UI or General). |
OptionCode |
String |
The code associated with the option. |
OptionId |
Integer |
The option id. |
Value |
String |
The current value of the account option. |
ValueType |
Integer |
The value type of the option. Current types are:
- Integer
- Boolean
- Date/Time
- PickList
- Byte[]
- String
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
Domain |
String |
The domain. |
Name |
String |
The Name associated with the account. |
Active |
Boolean |
Is the account active? |
OwnerId |
Integer |
The userid of the owner of the account. |
OwnerName |
String |
The name of the owner of the account. |
OwnerEmail |
String |
The email address of the owner of the account. |
PackageId |
Integer |
The package id associated with the account. |
PackageName |
String |
The name of the package associated with the account. |
PackageCode |
String |
The code name of the package associated with the account. |
Type |
AccountType |
Type of account (ex. internal, customer, POC) |
UserLimit |
Integer |
The limit of number of users associated with the account. |
ActiveUsers |
Integer |
The number of currently active users within the account. |
Actual Storage |
Integer(64) |
StorageLimit |
Integer(64) |
Storage |
Integer(64) |
The current storage space used within the account. |
StoragePerUser |
Integer(64) |
The maximum allowed amount of total storage space (in mb) allocated per user within the account. |
HeaderText |
String |
The header text associated with the account. |
CreatedDate |
DateTime |
The date the account was created. |
ModifiedDate |
DateTime |
The date that the account was last modified. |
RemovedDate |
DateTime |
The date that the account was removed. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
IsActive |
Boolean |
Whether or not the user is active. |
IsInProject |
Boolean |
Whether or not the user/team/role is in the project. |
IsInTask |
Boolean |
Whether or not the user/team/role is in the deliverable (formerly referred to as task). |
ProjectRole |
Int |
Id of the project role assigned to the user/team. For project roles themselves, it just returns its own id. |
ReferenceId |
Int |
Id of the user/team/role. |
ReferenceType |
Int |
Type of entity (user = 3, team = 4, project role = 8). |
Name |
String |
Name of user/team/role. |
Username |
String |
Username of user (comes back null for teams and roles). |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
SamlEnabled |
Boolean |
Flag to toggle SAML authentication. |
IpFilter |
String |
If an IP address or IP range is provided, only requests within the IP range will be authenticated via SAML. |
SigningEnabled |
Boolean |
Set true for using signing certificate to decrypt SAML responses from Identity Provider (IdP). |
SigningCertificate |
byte[] |
Signing Certificate as byte array |
SigningCertificatePassword |
String |
Password for the signing certificate. |
EncryptingEnabled |
Boolean |
Set true for using encryption certificate to encrypt SAML messages to Identity Provider (IdP). |
EncryptingCertificate |
byte[] |
Encryption Certificate as byte array |
EncryptingCertificatePassword |
String |
Password for the encryption certificate. |
SsoEndpoint |
String |
The URL where the SAML requests should be sent to. |
SsoBindingType |
SamlBindingType |
LoginTitle |
String |
Login Title content |
LoginText |
String |
Login instructions text |
LoginSupportLink1Text |
String |
The primary support URL to display when SAML is enabled. |
LoginSupportLink1Url |
String |
Text to display in conjunction with the first URL support link. |
LoginSupportLink2Text |
String |
The second support URL to display when SAML is enabled. |
LoginSupportLink2Url |
String |
Text to display in conjunction with the second URL support link. |
ForceSamlAuthentication |
Boolean |
Set true if SAML is the only method to authenticate to the account. |
ForceSamlAuthenticationAllDomains |
Boolean |
Set true, if users from all domains (as per email address username) should be authenticated via SAML. |
DomainList |
String |
Comma-separated list of domains and ONLY users from those specific domains will be authenticated via SAML. |
LoginAlertText |
String |
The text displayed when a user which should be SAML authenticated, is attempting to login using regular ConceptShare login. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
Setting ID |
Code |
String |
Setting code. |
Value |
String |
Setting value. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
UserId |
Integer |
The user id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
AccountUserId |
Integer |
The account user id. |
Username |
String |
The domain. |
FirstName |
String |
The first name of the user. |
LastName |
String |
The last name of the user. |
FullName |
String |
The full name of the user. |
LdapName |
String |
The lightweight directory access protocol name. |
IsRegistered |
Boolean |
True if the user has registered. |
IsActive |
Boolean |
True if the user is active on the account. |
LastOnline |
DateTime |
The last time the user signing in in UTC. |
RoleId |
Integer |
The account role of the user. |
ProjectRoleId |
Integer |
The project role of the user. |
ReviewRoleId |
Integer |
The default review role of the user. |
RoleName |
String |
The role name assigned to the user. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the user was created on the account in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the user was modified on the account in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the user was removed from the account in UTC. |
RoleCode |
String |
The Role Code of the role assigned to the user. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
UserToken |
String |
The API token for the user. |
PartnerToken |
String |
Your Partner Token as provided for you by ConceptShare. |
PartnerPassword |
String |
Your Partner Password as provided for you by ConceptShare. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The asset id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
EncryptedId |
String |
The encrypted if of the asset. |
FolderId |
Integer |
The folder id where the asset is stored. |
AssetType |
AssetType |
The type of the asset. |
ProjectId |
Integer |
The project id. |
TaskId |
Integer |
The deliverable id. |
PreviousAssetId |
Integer |
The previous asset id. Determines the asset has been versioned. |
FolderName |
String |
The name of the folder where the asset is stored. |
FileName |
String |
The file name of the asset. |
Name |
String |
The stored name of the asset. |
CreatedById |
Integer |
The user id of the user who uploaded the asset. |
CreatedByName |
String |
The name of the user who uploaded the asset. |
Locked |
Boolean |
True stricts commenting on the asset. |
StatusId |
Integer |
The status id of the asset. |
StatusName |
String |
The status name of the asset. |
StatusCode |
String |
The status code of the asset. |
ProxyExtension |
String |
The proxy extension of the asset that it was converted to. |
OriginalExtension |
String |
The original uploaded extension of the asset. |
VersionNumber |
Integer |
The number of time the asset was versioned. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the asset was uploaded in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the asset was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the asset was removed in UTC. |
ParentAsset |
Integer |
The asset id reference the parent asset. |
Url |
String |
The url of the asset. |
CompatibilityWarnings |
String |
Compatibility warnings for the asset. |
UploadAsset (Framework.API.DTOs.SOAP.Post.UploadAsset)
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Name |
String |
The asset name. |
FileName |
String |
The asset file name. |
PreviousAssetId |
Integer |
The optional id of the previous asset when versioning an asset. |
FolderId |
Integer |
The optional id of the folder to place the asset. If versioning this is ignored. If this is not supplied the asset will be added to the project root. |
TemporaryStorageId |
String |
The temprary storage id of the asse being uploaded. |
UploadParameters |
Dictionary<string, string> |
List of key/values for setting on an asset when uploading. These can include the folowing:
- 'ASSET_DESCRIPTION': string description of the asset
- 'ASSET_TAGS': string comma separated list of tags on the asset
- 'ASSET_SAVE_ORIGINAL': boolean indicating whether to save the original asset
- 'IMAGE_ENSURE_SRGB': boolean to ensure srgb on image asset
- 'IMAGE_OPTIMIZE_FOR_WEB': boolean to ensure image optimization for web
- 'PDF_RASTERIZE': boolean indicating whether to rasterize pdf
- 'HTML5_PROCESS_AS_VIDEO': boolean indicating to process zip as html5 video
- 'HTML5_WIDTH': int indicating html5 video width
- 'HTML5_HEIGHT': int indicating html5 video height
- 'HTML5_CAPTURE_DURATION': int indicating the duration of the html5 video
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Key |
String |
The key for asset upload parameter. |
Value |
String |
The value associated with the key. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The callback id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
Url |
String |
The url of the callback. |
CallbackMethod |
String |
The type of method for the callback. |
Enabled |
Boolean |
True if the callback is enabled. |
Retry |
Boolean |
MaxAttempts |
Integer |
AttemptDelay |
Integer |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the callback was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the callback was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the callback was removed in UTC. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The comment id. |
CreatedBy |
Integer |
The user id of the user who created the comment. |
CreatedByName |
String |
The user name of the user who created the comment. |
CommentNumber |
Integer |
The comment number on the asset. |
CommentData |
String |
The comment. |
IsDraft |
Boolean |
True if the comment is a draft. |
CommentType |
CommentType |
The type of comment. |
ReferenceId |
Integer |
The asset id. |
ReferenceType |
ReferenceType |
The type of the reference id. |
ProjectId |
Integer |
The project id. |
TaskId |
Integer |
The task id. |
Status |
Integer |
The status id of the comment. |
StatusCode |
String |
The status code of the comment. |
StatusName |
String |
The status name of the comment. |
AssignedToRefId |
Integer |
This user or team id the comment is assigned to. |
AssignedToRefType |
ReferenceType |
The type of assignedToRefId. |
AssignedToName |
String |
The name to which this comment is assigned to. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the comment was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the comment was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the comment was removed. |
TotalReplies |
Integer |
The total number of replies to the comment. It ignores the comment replies in draft. |
EmailAddress |
String |
The email address of the user who created the comment. |
ViewState |
String |
The current viewing location of the asset for this comment. |
AssetMetaData |
String |
The comment's asset's metadata.
MarkupId |
Integer |
The markup id associated with comment. |
FlagId |
Integer |
The flag id associated with comment. |
FlagResolutionId |
Integer |
The flag resolution id associated with comment. |
Promoted |
Boolean |
An indicator if the comment was promoted from a previous version. |
PromotedCount |
Integer |
The number of times the comment has been promoted. |
PromotingUserId |
Integer |
The id of the user who promoted the comment. |
DatePromoted |
DateTime |
The date/time that the comment was promoted. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The comment reply id. |
ProjectId |
Integer |
The project id. |
AssetId |
Integer |
The asset id. |
TaskId |
Integer |
The task id. |
CommentId |
Integer |
The comment id. |
UserId |
Integer |
The user id of the user who created the comment reply. |
IsDraft |
Boolean |
Is the comment reply a draft? |
CommentData |
String |
The comment. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the comment reply was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the comment reply was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the comment reply was removed in UTC. |
EmailAddress |
String |
The email address of the user who created the comment reply. |
CreatedByName |
String |
The name of the user who created the comment. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The comment id. |
CommentReplyId |
Integer |
The comment reply id. |
CreatedBy |
Integer |
The user id of the user who created the comment or comment reply. |
FullName |
String |
The full name of the user who created the comment or comment reply. |
IsDraft |
Boolean |
True if the comment or comment reply is draft. |
Comment |
String |
The comment or comment reply's data.
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
CustomFieldId |
Integer |
The Custom Field id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
CustomFormId |
Integer |
The Custom Form id. |
Code |
String |
The code of the Custom Field. |
Properties |
String |
The properties of the Custom Field. |
Type |
CustomFormComponentType |
The type of Custom Field. |
Label |
String |
The label of the Custom Field. |
SubLabel |
String |
The alternate label of the Custom Field. |
IsRequired |
Boolean |
True to indicate that the Custom Field is mandatory to complete. |
DefaultValue |
String |
The default value of the Custom Field. |
OrderId |
Integer |
The order of the Custom Field. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
CustomFieldEntryId |
Integer |
The CustomField entry id. |
CustomFormApplicationId |
Integer |
The CustomForm application id. |
CustomFieldId |
Integer |
The CustomField id. |
ReferenceId |
Integer |
The project id, asset id or comment id.
RefereneceType |
CustomFormType |
The asset type, project type or comment type.
UserId |
Integer |
The user id of the user who created the CustomForm application entry. |
Value |
String |
The value of the CustomForm application entry. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the CustomForm application entry was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the CustomForm application entry was modified in UTC. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
CustomFormId |
Integer |
The CustomForm id. |
ReferenceType |
ReferenceType |
The type of the CustomForm. |
Name |
String |
The name of the CustomForm. |
Description |
String |
The description of the CustomForm. |
Code |
String |
The code of the CustomForm. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the CustomForm was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the CustomForm was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the CustomForm was removed in UTC. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
CustomFormApplicationId |
Integer |
The CustomForm application id. |
CustomFormId |
Integer |
The CustomForm id. |
ReferenceId |
Integer |
The project type. |
Name |
String |
The name of the CustomForm application. |
isEnabled |
Boolean |
True if the CustomForm application is enabled. |
ReferenceTypeName |
String |
The name of the reference type. |
CustomFormTypeName |
String |
The name of the CustomForm type. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the CustomForm application was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the CustomForm application was modified in UTC. |
includes CustomForm Component Business Objects
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
DisplayType |
DateTimeDisplayType |
The type of date time display. |
DateFormat |
DateFormat |
The type of date format. |
TimeFormat |
TimeFormat |
The type of time format. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The deliverable id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
Name |
String |
The name of the deliverable. |
Description |
String |
The description of the deliverable. |
Code |
String |
The code of the deliverable. |
StatusId |
Integer |
The status id of the deliverable. |
FolderId |
Integer |
The folder id of the deliverable. |
StatusCode |
String |
The status code of status id. |
PhaseId |
Integer |
The phase id of the deliverable. |
PhaseGroupId |
Integer |
The phase group id of the deliverable. |
PhaseCode |
String |
The phase code of the phase id. |
ViewAll |
Boolean |
True if allowed to be viewed by all project members. False if allowed to be viewed by specific members from the project members. Default is true. |
StartDate |
DateTime |
The start date of the deliverable in UTC. |
EndDate |
DateTime |
The end date of the deliverable in UTC. |
ProjectId |
Integer |
The project id of the deliverable. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The deliverable member id. The id is 0 when associated with project members. |
TaskId |
Integer |
The deliverable id. |
ReferenceId |
String |
The user id, role id or the team id.
ReferenceType |
Integer |
The user, role or team type of the reference id.
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the deliverable member was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the deliverable member was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the deliverable member was removed in UTC. |
Name |
String |
The name of the deliverable member. |
TypeName |
String |
The name of the type of the deliverable member. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Subject |
String |
The subject line of the email to send. |
Message |
String |
The body of the email to send. |
Recipients |
<string, int32> |
A list of key/value pairs representing the ReferenceId and ReferenceType of the person to send the email to. To send an email to a non-ConceptShare user put in a valid email address as the string and 0 as the ReferenceType. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Email |
String |
The email address of the external reviewer. |
FirstName |
String |
The first name of the external reviewer. |
LastName |
String |
The last name of the external reviewer. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
FlagName |
String |
The name of the flag. |
Color |
String |
The color of the flag. |
Count |
Integer |
The number of occurrences of this flag. |
Unresolved |
Integer |
The number of occurrences of this flag that has no resolution specified. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The folder id. |
ParentId |
Integer |
The parent id of the folder. |
ProjectId |
Integer |
The project id of the folder is in. |
TaskId |
Integer |
The task id. |
Name |
String |
The name of the folder. |
Description |
String |
The description of the folder. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
SearchText |
String |
The text to search by |
SubmittedBy |
String |
A comma delimited string of ReferenceType and ReferenceId pairs. Example “3_149, 4_10” is a list of 2 ReferenceType/ReferenceId pairs where 3 is a User ReferenceType, 149 is the UserId, 4 is a Team ReferenceType and 10 is the TeamId.
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
ProjectId |
Integer |
The project Id. |
ReviewId |
Integer |
The review Id. |
FolderIdList |
String |
Comma delimited list of Folder id's.
AssetIdList |
String |
Comma delimited list of Asset id's.
SummaryOptions |
SummaryOptions |
Bitwise integer of Summary options. |
AssetOptions |
AssetOptions |
Bitwise integer of Asset options. |
FeedbackOptions |
FeedbackOptions |
A list of options and filters for feedback. |
FeedbackFilter |
FeedbackFilters |
FeedbackFilter Business object. |
FeedbackSortType |
FeedbackSortType |
Enum integer of FeedbackSortType. |
SortFeedbackAscending |
Boolean |
Bit flag to determine sort order. |
DeliveryOptions |
DeliveryOptions |
DeliveryOptions business object. |
FeedbackEmails |
List of EmailReport objects. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
OnlyFeedbackWithReplies |
Boolean |
Only include feedback that contain replies. |
OnlyFeedbackWithReferenceLinks |
Boolean |
Only include feedback that contain reference links. |
OnlyUnreadFeedback |
Boolean |
Only include feedback that has unread feedback. |
OnlyUnflaggedFeedback |
Boolean |
Only include feedback that has not be flagged. |
OnlyUnresolvedFeedback |
Boolean |
Only include feedback that has not be resolved. |
OnlyFlaggedFeedback |
Boolean |
Only include feedback that has been flagged. |
OnlyResolvedFeedback |
Boolean |
Only include feedback that has been resolved. |
FlagList |
Integer[] |
A list of flags to filter on. If no list is provided any flag is will match. |
FlagResolutionList |
Integer[] |
A list of flag resolutions to filter on. If no list is provided any flag resolution will match. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
ReferenceId |
Integer |
The reference id. |
ReferenceType |
Integer |
The reference type. |
Name |
String |
The name of the folder item. |
Description |
String |
The description of the folder item. |
FolderId |
Integer |
The name of the folder. |
AssetId |
Integer |
The asset id. |
AssetFileName |
String |
The asset's file name
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the folder item was created. |
AssetType |
AssetType |
The type of the asset. |
FolderType |
FolderType |
The type of the folder. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The license id. |
AccountLimit |
Integer |
The maximum number of accounts allowed. |
UserLimit |
Integer |
The maximum number of users allowed. |
StorageLimit |
Integer |
The maximum number of storage allowed. |
AvailableAccounts |
Integer |
The number of available accounts. |
AvailableUsers |
Integer |
The number of available users. |
AvailableStorage |
Integer |
The amount of available storage. |
TotalAccounts |
Integer |
The total number of accounts. |
TotalStorage |
Integer |
The total storage available. |
TotalUsers |
Integer |
The total number of users. |
ActualStorage |
Integer |
The actual storage available. |
EnabledModules |
String |
The modules that are enabled. |
EnabledPackages |
String |
The packages that are enabled. |
DateExpiry |
DateTime |
The date the license expires in UTC. |
DateMaintenanceStart |
DateTime |
The starting maintenance date. |
DateMaintenanceEnd |
DateTime |
The ending maintenance date. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The instance admin id. |
User |
Integer |
The user that is the instance admin. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the user was added as an instance admin in UTC. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
LanguageId |
Integer |
The language id. |
IsActive |
Boolean |
True if the language is active. |
Name |
String |
The name of the language. |
Code |
String |
The code of the language. |
IsDefault |
Boolean |
True if the language is default. |
includes CustomForm Component Business Objects
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
MultiSelect |
Boolean |
The ability to select multiple items. |
VisibleLines |
Integer |
The number of lines that are visible. |
DisplayType |
ListDisplayType |
The type of the list component. |
Items |
String |
The name of the items. |
Values |
String |
The values of the items. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The localization id. |
Type |
LocalizationType |
The type of the localization. |
Key |
String |
The key of the localization. |
Value |
String |
The value associated with the key. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The localization Entry id. |
LocalizationId |
Integer |
The localization id. |
Type |
LocalizationType |
The type of the localization. |
Key |
String |
The key of the localization. |
Value |
String |
The value associated with the key. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The localization override id. |
LocalizationEntry |
Integer |
The localization entry id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
Value |
String |
The overridden value. |
LanguageId |
Integer |
The language id. |
LocalizationType |
LocalizationType |
The type of localization. |
LanguageName |
LanguageName |
The language name. |
LanguageCode |
LanguageCode |
The language code. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The package id. |
IsActive |
Boolean |
True if the package is active. |
CanDisableModules |
Boolean |
True if the package can disable or enabled modules. |
CanDisableOptions |
Boolean |
True if the package can disable or enabled options. |
Name |
String |
The name of the package. |
Description |
String |
The description of the package. |
Code |
String |
The code of package. |
Storage |
Integer |
The storage limit. |
StoragePerUser |
Integer |
The storage per user limit. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The partner key id. |
Name |
String |
The name of the partner key. |
PartnerAPIEnabled |
Boolean |
True if the partner api access is enabled. |
HostedAPIEnabled |
Boolean |
True if the hosted api access is enabled. |
Key |
String |
The key for authorizing access. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The project id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
AccountName |
String |
The name of the account. |
Name |
String |
The name of the project. |
Description |
String |
The description of the project. |
StatusId |
Integer |
The status id of the project. |
PhaseId |
Integer |
The phase id of the project. |
PhaseGroupId |
Integer |
The phase group of the phase id. |
StatusCode |
String |
The status code of the status of the project. |
FolderId |
Integer |
The project's root folder id.
StartDate |
DateTime |
The start date of the project in UTC. |
EndDate |
DateTime |
The end date of the project in UTC. |
Archived |
Boolean |
Whether or not the projet is archived. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The folder id. |
ParentId |
Integer |
The folder's parent folder id.
Name |
String |
The name of the project folder. |
Description |
String |
The description of the project folder. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The project member id. |
ProjectId |
Integer |
The project id. |
EmailAddress |
String |
The user's email address.
Name |
String |
The name of the project member. |
RoleId |
Integer |
The role id of the project member on the project. |
RoleCode |
String |
The role code of the project member. |
RoleName |
String |
The role name of the project member. |
ReferenceId |
Integer |
The user id or team id. |
ReferenceType |
ReferenceType |
The user type or team type of the reference id. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date when the project member was added in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date when the project member was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date when the project member was removed in UTC. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The project template id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
UserId |
Integer |
The user id of the user who created the project template. |
PhaseId |
Integer |
The phase if of the project template. |
PhaseGroupId |
Integer |
The phase group if of the phase id. |
WorkflowTemplateId |
Integer |
The workflow template id. |
Name |
String |
The name of the project template. |
Description |
String |
The description to the project template. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the project template was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the project template was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the project template was removed in UTC. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
UniqueId |
String |
The unique guid id. |
QueueItemType |
QueueItemType |
The type of queue item type. |
Data |
String |
The Data associated with the queue item. |
QueueItemSubType |
String |
The type of element in the queue. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
UserId |
Integer |
The user id if the user who initialized the queue item. |
Data |
String |
The xml data of the queue item. |
StartedBy |
String |
The queue service that started the processing. |
LastError |
String |
The error that occurred during processing. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the queue item was created in UTC. |
DateStarted |
DateTime |
The date the queue item started to process in UTC. |
DateCompleted |
DateTime |
The date the queue item completed processing in UTC. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The recycle bin id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The aInsertccount id. |
UserId |
Integer |
The user id of the user who added he item to the recycle bin. |
ReferenceId |
Integer |
The id of the item added to recycle bin. |
ReferenceType |
ReferenceType |
The type of the reference id. |
DateRecycled |
DateTime |
The date when the item was added to recycle bin in UTC. |
Name |
String |
The name of the item. |
AccountName |
String |
The account name. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The reminder id. |
ReferenceId |
Integer |
The reference id of the reminder of. |
ReferenceType |
ReminderType |
The type of the reference id. |
Amount |
Integer |
The amount of time based on the type. |
Type |
AmountType |
The type of the reminder time. |
ReminderSent |
Boolean |
True if the reminder was sent. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The review id. |
PreviousReviewId |
Integer |
The previous review id (if in a chain). |
ReviewType |
ReviewType |
The type of review. DEPRECATED |
AutoApproveMethod |
AutoApproveMethod |
The auto approve method associated with the review. |
ReferenceId |
Integer |
The reference id associated with the review. |
ReferenceType |
Integer |
The reference type associated with the review. |
ProjectId |
Integer |
The project id associated with the review. |
ProjectName |
String |
The project name. |
CreatedById |
Integer |
The user id of the user who created the review. |
CreatedByName |
String |
The user name of the user who created the review. |
StatusId |
Integer |
The status id of review. |
StatusCode |
String |
The status code of the status id of the review. |
StatusName |
String |
The status name of the status id of the review. |
IsHighPriority |
Boolean |
The priority of the review. Normal Priority: 0 and High Priority: 1
ReviewCommentsOnly |
Boolean |
True if only reviewing the comments are allowed. |
AllowFeedback |
Boolean |
True if the feedback is allowed. |
AllowNotes |
Boolean |
True if commenting on assets are allowed. |
AllowMembersToView |
Boolean |
True if allowed members to view the review results. |
RequireResourceOnDeferral |
Boolean |
True if members are required to specify a resource on deferral. |
AllowDeferralResponses |
Boolean |
True if allowed members to defer their responses. |
Code |
String |
The code of the review. |
Title |
String |
The title of the review. |
Description |
String |
The description of the review. |
AutoTags |
String |
The tags for the asset. |
DueDate |
DateTime |
The due date of the review in UTC. |
DateCompleted |
DateTime |
The date the review was completed in UTC. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the review was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the review was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the review was removed in UTC. |
StartRule |
StartRule |
The start rule associated with the review. |
ChainId |
String |
The chain id. |
ChainOrder |
Integer |
The order index for the review in the chain. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The review id. |
PreviousReviewId |
Integer |
The previous review id (if in a chain). |
Title |
String |
The title of the review. |
Code |
String |
The code of the review. |
Instructions |
String |
The description of the review. |
StartRule |
StartRule |
The review's start rule |
ChainId |
String |
The chain id. |
ChainOrder |
Integer |
The order index for the review in the chain. |
ReviewCommentsOnly |
Boolean |
True if only reviewing the comments are allowed. |
AllowFeedback |
Boolean |
True if the feedback is allowed. |
AllowDeferralResponses |
Boolean |
True if allowed members to defer their responses. |
RequireResourceOnDeferral |
Boolean |
True if members are required to specify a resource on deferral. |
ElectronicSignatureRequired |
Boolean |
True if members are required to electronically sign their submission. |
CompletionRule |
CompletionRule |
The auto-completion rule (if any) |
AutoTags |
String |
The tags for the asset. |
DueDate |
DateTime |
The due date of the review in UTC. |
DateCompleted |
DateTime |
The date the review was completed in UTC. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the review was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the review was modified in UTC. |
Project |
ReviewDetailedProject |
The basic project details including id and name. |
Deliverable |
ReviewDetailedDeliverable |
The basic deliverable details (if used) including id and name. |
Owner |
ReviewDetailedOwner |
The basic owner details including id and name. |
Status |
ReviewDetailedStatus |
The basic status details including id, name and code. |
Members |
ReviewDetailedMember[] |
The list of review participants including name, role, and status. |
Items |
ReviewDetailedItem[] |
The list of review items including status and basic asset information. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Review |
Review |
The review profile. |
Items |
The items of the review as Review Item business object. |
Members |
The members of the review as Review Member business object. |
Response |
The responses of the review as Review Response business object. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The review item id. |
ReviewId |
Integer |
The review id. |
AssetId |
Integer |
The asset id of the review item. |
FolderId |
Integer |
The folder id of the review item. |
Name |
String |
The name of the review item. |
StatusId |
Integer |
The status id of the review item. |
StatusCode |
String |
The status code of the review item. |
StatusName |
String |
The status name of the review item. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the review item was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the review item was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the review item was removed in UTC. |
CompatibilityWarnings |
String |
Compatibility warnings for this review item. |
UploadStatus |
Integer |
Upload Status for this review item. |
Statistics |
FlagStatistics |
The flag statistics for this review item. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The review item id. |
Asset Id |
Integer |
The review item asset id. |
AssetName |
String |
The name of the asset. |
VersionNumber |
Integer |
The version number of the asset. |
Statistics |
FlagStatistics[] |
The statistics for the review item. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The review member id. |
ReviewId |
Integer |
The review id. |
StatusId |
Integer |
The status id of the review by the review member. |
StatusCode |
String |
The status code of the status id. |
StatusName |
String |
The status name of the status id. |
Name |
String |
The name of the review member. |
ReferenceId |
Integer |
The user id, role id or team id that the review is assigned to.
ReferenceType |
Integer |
The type of reference id. |
FromReferenceId |
Integer |
The user id, role id or team id that the review was assigned from.
FromReferenceType |
Integer |
The type of reference id that the review was assigned from. |
ReviewRoleId |
Integer |
The review role id of the member. |
ReviewRoleName |
String |
The review role name of the member. |
Comments |
String |
The comment that is made during the review by the user, role or team. |
DateCompleted |
DateTime |
The date the review was completed by the review member in UTC. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the review member was added to the review in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the review member was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the review member was removed in UTC. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
ReviewMemberId |
Integer |
The review member id. |
MemberName |
String |
The review member name. |
ReviewItemId |
Integer |
The review item id. |
AssetId |
Integer |
The asset id. |
Name |
String |
The name. |
ItemStatusId |
Integer |
The item status id. |
ItemStatusCode |
String |
The item status code. |
ItemStatusName |
String |
The item status name. |
ItemStatusColor |
String |
The item status color. |
ReviewResponseId |
Integer |
The review response id. |
StatusId |
Integer |
The status id. |
StatusCode |
String |
The status code. |
StatusColor |
String |
The status color. |
StatusName |
String |
The status name. |
DateResponse |
DateTime |
The date the review response was created in UTC. |
TotalComments |
Integer |
Total amount of comments |
NoResponse |
Integer |
Total amount of no responses. |
Approved |
Integer |
Total amount of approved. |
Rejected |
Integer |
Total amount of rejected. |
DateCompleted |
DateTime |
The date completed in UTC. |
ReferenceId |
Integer |
The reference id. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Review Id |
Integer |
The review id. |
Items |
ReviewItemStatistics[] |
The statistics for individual review items. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The role id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
RoleCategoryType |
Integer |
The category of the role. Account: 2, Project: 3
Code |
String |
The code of the role. |
Name |
String |
The name of the role. |
SystemRole |
Boolean |
True if the role is a system role. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the role was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the role was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the role was removed in UTC. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The role permission id. |
Code |
String |
The code of the role permission. |
Name |
String |
The name of the role permission. |
Allowed |
Boolean |
True if the role permission is allowed. |
Locked |
Boolean |
True if the permission is allowed to be overridden. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The review role id. |
Code |
String |
The code of the role permission. |
Name |
String |
The name of the role permission. |
Permissions |
ReviewRolePermissions |
The review role permission. |
ActionRequired |
ReviewRoleActionRequired |
Type of Action required. |
EmailSetting |
ReviewRoleEmailSetting |
The review role email setting. |
SystemRole |
Boolean |
True if the role is a system role. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
AddCommentReplies |
bool |
Is able to add comment replies. |
AddComments |
bool |
Is able to add comment. |
DeleteAnyComments |
bool |
Is able to delete any comments. |
DeleteComments |
bool |
Is able to delete own comments. |
EditAnyCommentReplies |
bool |
Is able to edit any comment replies. |
EditAnyComments |
bool |
Is able to edit any comments. |
EditCommentReplies |
bool |
Is able to edit own comment replies. |
EditComments |
bool |
Is able to edit own comments. |
PromoteComments |
bool |
Is able to promote comments. |
ResolveFeedbackFlags |
bool |
Is able to resolve feedback flags. |
UseFeedbackFlags |
bool |
Is able to use feedback flags. |
ViewCommentReplies |
bool |
Is able to view comment replies. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
EmailAssetVersion |
bool |
Send email on asset version uploaded. |
EmailReminders |
bool |
Send email reminders about required action. |
EmailReviewDeleted |
bool |
Send email on review deleted. |
EmailReviewUpdated |
bool |
Send email on review updated. |
EmailReviewInvitations |
bool |
Send email when added to a review. |
EmailReviewerSubmit |
bool |
Send email on review submited. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The status id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
ReferenceType |
StatusType |
The type for what the status is for. |
Name |
String |
The name of the status. |
Code |
String |
The code of the status. |
Color |
String |
The color in associated with the status. |
SystemStatus |
Boolean |
True if the status is a system status. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the status was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the status was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the status was removed in UTC. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The status id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
ReferenceType |
StatusGroupType |
The type for what the status group is for. |
Name |
String |
The name of the status group. |
Code |
String |
The code of the status group. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the status group was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the status group was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the status group was removed in UTC. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The team id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
Name |
String |
The name of the team. |
Description |
String |
The description of the team. |
WorkRequiresDelegation |
Boolean |
True if the team items must be reassigned by Managers only. False if the team items can be picked up by any members. |
ProjectRoleId |
Integer |
The project role id. |
ReviewRoleId |
Integer |
The default review role id (if the feature is enabled). |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the team was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the team was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the team was removed in UTC. |
TotalMembers |
Integer |
The number of total members in the team. |
TotalManager |
Integer |
The number of total managers in the team. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The team member id. |
TeamId |
Integer |
The team id. |
ReferenceID |
Integer |
The user id or team id of the team member. |
ReferenceType |
ReferenceType |
The user type or team type of the reference id. |
TeamManager |
Integer |
True if the team member is the manager of the team. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the team member was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the team member was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the team member was removed in UTC. |
UserAccountId |
Integer |
The account user id. |
UserRole |
Integer |
The user's account role id.
UserId |
Integer |
The user id. |
FullName |
String |
The full name of the user. |
RoleName |
String |
The role account role name of the user. |
EmailAddress |
String |
The email address of the user. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The team member id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The team id. |
Name |
Integer |
The user id or team id of the team member. |
Description |
ReferenceType |
The user type or team type of the reference id. |
WorkRequiresDelegation |
Integer |
True if the team member is the manager of the team. |
ProjectRoleId |
Integer |
The project role id. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the team member was created in UTC. |
DateModified |
DateTime |
The date the team member was modified in UTC. |
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the team member was removed in UTC. |
TotalMembers |
Integer |
The total amount of members in the team. |
TotalManagers |
Integer |
The total amount of managers in the team. |
DefaultProjectRole |
String |
The default project role |
includes CustomForm Component Business Objects
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
MultiLine |
Boolean |
The ability to have multiple lines for input. |
VisibleLines |
Integer |
The number of lines that are visible. |
WatermarkText |
String |
The text to display as watermark on the textbox. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The time zone id. |
Name |
String |
The name of the timezone. |
StandardName |
String |
The standard name of the timezone. |
UsesDayLightSavings |
Boolean |
True if the timezone uses the daylight savings. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The todo id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
Name |
String |
The name of the todo. |
Description |
String |
The description of the todo. |
Code |
String |
The code of the todo. |
CreatedByName |
String |
The name of the person who created the todo. |
StatusGroupId |
Integer |
The status group of the status id. |
StatusId |
Integer |
The status id of the todo. |
StatusCode |
String |
The status code of the status id. |
StatusName |
String |
The status name of the status id. |
ProjectId |
Integer |
The project id of the todo. |
ProjectName |
String |
The project name. |
AssignedToRefId |
Integer |
The user id, role id or team id the todo is assigned to.
AssignedToRefType |
ReferenceType |
The type of assignedToRefId. |
ReferenceId |
Integer |
The deliverable id of the todo. |
ReferenceType |
ReferenceType |
The type of the reference id. |
DueDate |
DateTime |
The due date of the todo in UTC. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Code |
String |
The account module code. |
Enabled |
Boolean |
Specifies whether the module should be enabled or not. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
UserId |
Integer |
The user id. |
SessionId |
String |
The session id of the user. |
UserName |
String |
The email address of the user. |
FirstName |
String |
The first name of the user. |
LastName |
Integer |
The last name of the user. |
FullName |
Integer |
The full name of the user. |
LdapName |
String |
The lightweight directory access protocol name. |
IsRegistered |
Boolean |
True if the user is registered. |
IsActive |
Boolean |
True is the user is active. |
EncryptedId |
String |
The encrypted id of the user. |
ApiToken |
String |
The api access token of the user. |
TimeZone |
String |
The timezone name of the user's timezone preference.
TimeZoneId |
Integer |
The timezone id of the user's timezone preference.
LanguageCode |
String |
The language code for the user's language preference.
NewUserName |
String |
The new username. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The user login history id. |
UserId |
Integer |
The user id. |
AccountId |
Integer |
The account id. |
IpAddress |
String |
The ip address of the user. |
LoginDate |
Datetime |
The login date. |
LogoutDate |
Datetime |
The logout date. |
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
Id |
Integer |
The workflow id. |
Name |
String |
The name of the workflow. |
Code |
String |
The code of the workflow. |
Description |
String |
The description of the workflow. |
CreatedBy |
Integer |
The user id of the user who created the workflow. |
CreatedByName |
String |
The user name of the user who created the workflow. |
DateCreated |
DateTime |
The date the workflow was created in UTC. |
ReferenceId |
Integer |
The reference id. |
ReferenceType |
Integer |
The reference type. |