Account AccountAlias AccountModule AccountOption AccountProfile AccountResource AccountSamlSettings AccountSetting AccountUser APIContext Asset UploadAsset AssetUploadParameter Callback Comment CommentReply CommentThread CustomField CustomFieldEntry CustomForm CustomFormApplication DateTimeComponent Deliverable DeliverableMember EmailReport ExternalReviewer FlagStatistics Folder FeedbackFilters FeedbackSummaryOptions FeedbackOptions FolderItem Instance InstanceAdmin Language ListComponent Localization LocalizationEntry LocalizationOverride Package PartnerKey Project ProjectFolder ProjectMember ProjectTemplate QueueItem RecycleBin Reminder Review ReviewDetailed ReviewData ReviewItem ReviewItemStatistics ReviewMember ReviewResponse ReviewStatistics Role RolePermission ReviewRole ReviewRolePermissions ReviewRoleEmailSetting Status StatusGroup Team TeamMember TeamProfile TextBoxComponent TimeZone ToDo UpdateAccountModule User UserLoginHistory Workflow
Business Objects
Parameter Data Type Description
AccountId Integer The account id.
Domain String The domain.
Name String The Name associated with the account
ActiveUsers Integer The number of active users on the account
UserLimit Integer The number of users allowed to be active on the account
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The account alias id.
Domain String The domain.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The module id.
Code String The account module code.
Name String The name of the account module.
Description String The description of the account module.
Parameter Data Type Description
AccountId Integer The account id.
AccountOptionId Integer The account option id.
DefaultValue String The default value for the option.
Description String The description of the option.
Editable Boolean Is this option editable?
Group String The group that the option belongs to (currently UI or General).
OptionCode String The code associated with the option.
OptionId Integer The option id.
Value String The current value of the account option.
ValueType Integer The value type of the option. Current types are:
  1. Integer
  2. Boolean
  3. Date/Time
  4. PickList
  5. Byte[]
  6. String
  7. JSON
Parameter Data Type Description
AccountId Integer The account id.
Domain String The domain.
Name String The Name associated with the account.
Active Boolean Is the account active?
OwnerId Integer The userid of the owner of the account.
OwnerName String The name of the owner of the account.
OwnerEmail String The email address of the owner of the account.
PackageId Integer The package id associated with the account.
PackageName String The name of the package associated with the account.
PackageCode String The code name of the package associated with the account.
Type AccountType Type of account (ex. internal, customer, POC)
UserLimit Integer The limit of number of users associated with the account.
ActiveUsers Integer The number of currently active users within the account.
Actual Storage Integer(64)
StorageLimit Integer(64)
Storage Integer(64) The current storage space used within the account.
StoragePerUser Integer(64) The maximum allowed amount of total storage space (in mb) allocated per user within the account.
HeaderText String The header text associated with the account.
CreatedDate DateTime The date the account was created.
ModifiedDate DateTime The date that the account was last modified.
RemovedDate DateTime The date that the account was removed.
Parameter Data Type Description
IsActive Boolean Whether or not the user is active.
IsInProject Boolean Whether or not the user/team/role is in the project.
IsInTask Boolean Whether or not the user/team/role is in the deliverable (formerly referred to as task).
ProjectRole Int Id of the project role assigned to the user/team. For project roles themselves, it just returns its own id.
ReferenceId Int Id of the user/team/role.
ReferenceType Int Type of entity (user = 3, team = 4, project role = 8).
Name String Name of user/team/role.
Username String Username of user (comes back null for teams and roles).
Parameter Data Type Description
SamlEnabled Boolean Flag to toggle SAML authentication.
IpFilter String If an IP address or IP range is provided, only requests within the IP range will be authenticated via SAML.
SigningEnabled Boolean Set true for using signing certificate to decrypt SAML responses from Identity Provider (IdP).
SigningCertificate byte[] Signing Certificate as byte array
SigningCertificatePassword String Password for the signing certificate.
EncryptingEnabled Boolean Set true for using encryption certificate to encrypt SAML messages to Identity Provider (IdP).
EncryptingCertificate byte[] Encryption Certificate as byte array
EncryptingCertificatePassword String Password for the encryption certificate.
SsoEndpoint String The URL where the SAML requests should be sent to.
SsoBindingType SamlBindingType HTTP-POST or HTTP-REDIRECT
LoginTitle String Login Title content
LoginText String Login instructions text
LoginSupportLink1Text String The primary support URL to display when SAML is enabled.
LoginSupportLink1Url String Text to display in conjunction with the first URL support link.
LoginSupportLink2Text String The second support URL to display when SAML is enabled.
LoginSupportLink2Url String Text to display in conjunction with the second URL support link.
ForceSamlAuthentication Boolean Set true if SAML is the only method to authenticate to the account.
ForceSamlAuthenticationAllDomains Boolean Set true, if users from all domains (as per email address username) should be authenticated via SAML.
DomainList String Comma-separated list of domains and ONLY users from those specific domains will be authenticated via SAML.
LoginAlertText String The text displayed when a user which should be SAML authenticated, is attempting to login using regular ConceptShare login.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer Setting ID
Code String Setting code.
Value String Setting value.
Parameter Data Type Description
UserId Integer The user id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
AccountUserId Integer The account user id.
Username String The domain.
FirstName String The first name of the user.
LastName String The last name of the user.
FullName String The full name of the user.
LdapName String The lightweight directory access protocol name.
IsRegistered Boolean True if the user has registered.
IsActive Boolean True if the user is active on the account.
LastOnline DateTime The last time the user signing in in UTC.
RoleId Integer The account role of the user.
ProjectRoleId Integer The project role of the user.
ReviewRoleId Integer The default review role of the user.
RoleName String The role name assigned to the user.
DateCreated DateTime The date the user was created on the account in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the user was modified on the account in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the user was removed from the account in UTC.
RoleCode String The Role Code of the role assigned to the user.
Parameter Data Type Description
UserToken String The API token for the user.
PartnerToken String Your Partner Token as provided for you by ConceptShare.
PartnerPassword String Your Partner Password as provided for you by ConceptShare.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The asset id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
EncryptedId String The encrypted if of the asset.
FolderId Integer The folder id where the asset is stored.
AssetType AssetType The type of the asset.
ProjectId Integer The project id.
TaskId Integer The deliverable id.
PreviousAssetId Integer The previous asset id. Determines the asset has been versioned.
FolderName String The name of the folder where the asset is stored.
FileName String The file name of the asset.
Name String The stored name of the asset.
CreatedById Integer The user id of the user who uploaded the asset.
CreatedByName String The name of the user who uploaded the asset.
Locked Boolean True stricts commenting on the asset.
StatusId Integer The status id of the asset.
StatusName String The status name of the asset.
StatusCode String The status code of the asset.
ProxyExtension String The proxy extension of the asset that it was converted to.
OriginalExtension String The original uploaded extension of the asset.
VersionNumber Integer The number of time the asset was versioned.
DateCreated DateTime The date the asset was uploaded in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the asset was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the asset was removed in UTC.
ParentAsset Integer The asset id reference the parent asset.
Url String The url of the asset.
CompatibilityWarnings String Compatibility warnings for the asset.
UploadAsset (Framework.API.DTOs.SOAP.Post.UploadAsset)
Parameter Data Type Description
Name String The asset name.
FileName String The asset file name.
PreviousAssetId Integer The optional id of the previous asset when versioning an asset.
FolderId Integer The optional id of the folder to place the asset. If versioning this is ignored. If this is not supplied the asset will be added to the project root.
TemporaryStorageId String The temprary storage id of the asse being uploaded.
UploadParameters Dictionary<string, string> List of key/values for setting on an asset when uploading. These can include the folowing:
  • 'ASSET_DESCRIPTION': string description of the asset
  • 'ASSET_TAGS': string comma separated list of tags on the asset
  • 'ASSET_SAVE_ORIGINAL': boolean indicating whether to save the original asset
  • 'IMAGE_ENSURE_SRGB': boolean to ensure srgb on image asset
  • 'IMAGE_OPTIMIZE_FOR_WEB': boolean to ensure image optimization for web
  • 'PDF_RASTERIZE': boolean indicating whether to rasterize pdf
  • 'HTML5_PROCESS_AS_VIDEO': boolean indicating to process zip as html5 video
  • 'HTML5_WIDTH': int indicating html5 video width
  • 'HTML5_HEIGHT': int indicating html5 video height
  • 'HTML5_CAPTURE_DURATION': int indicating the duration of the html5 video
Parameter Data Type Description
Key String The key for asset upload parameter.
Value String The value associated with the key.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The callback id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
Url String The url of the callback.
CallbackMethod String The type of method for the callback.
Enabled Boolean True if the callback is enabled.
Retry Boolean
MaxAttempts Integer
AttemptDelay Integer
DateCreated DateTime The date the callback was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the callback was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the callback was removed in UTC.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The comment id.
CreatedBy Integer The user id of the user who created the comment.
CreatedByName String The user name of the user who created the comment.
CommentNumber Integer The comment number on the asset.
CommentData String The comment.
IsDraft Boolean True if the comment is a draft.
CommentType CommentType The type of comment.
ReferenceId Integer The asset id.
ReferenceType ReferenceType The type of the reference id.
ProjectId Integer The project id.
TaskId Integer The task id.
Status Integer The status id of the comment.
StatusCode String The status code of the comment.
StatusName String The status name of the comment.
AssignedToRefId Integer This user or team id the comment is assigned to.
AssignedToRefType ReferenceType The type of assignedToRefId.
AssignedToName String The name to which this comment is assigned to.
DateCreated DateTime The date the comment was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the comment was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the comment was removed.
TotalReplies Integer The total number of replies to the comment. It ignores the comment replies in draft.
EmailAddress String The email address of the user who created the comment.
ViewState String The current viewing location of the asset for this comment.
AssetMetaData String The comment's asset's metadata.
MarkupId Integer The markup id associated with comment.
FlagId Integer The flag id associated with comment.
FlagResolutionId Integer The flag resolution id associated with comment.
Promoted Boolean An indicator if the comment was promoted from a previous version.
PromotedCount Integer The number of times the comment has been promoted.
PromotingUserId Integer The id of the user who promoted the comment.
DatePromoted DateTime The date/time that the comment was promoted.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The comment reply id.
ProjectId Integer The project id.
AssetId Integer The asset id.
TaskId Integer The task id.
CommentId Integer The comment id.
UserId Integer The user id of the user who created the comment reply.
IsDraft Boolean Is the comment reply a draft?
CommentData String The comment.
DateCreated DateTime The date the comment reply was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the comment reply was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the comment reply was removed in UTC.
EmailAddress String The email address of the user who created the comment reply.
CreatedByName String The name of the user who created the comment.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The comment id.
CommentReplyId Integer The comment reply id.
CreatedBy Integer The user id of the user who created the comment or comment reply.
FullName String The full name of the user who created the comment or comment reply.
IsDraft Boolean True if the comment or comment reply is draft.
Comment String The comment or comment reply's data.
Parameter Data Type Description
CustomFieldId Integer The Custom Field id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
CustomFormId Integer The Custom Form id.
Code String The code of the Custom Field.
Properties String The properties of the Custom Field.
Type CustomFormComponentType The type of Custom Field.
Label String The label of the Custom Field.
SubLabel String The alternate label of the Custom Field.
IsRequired Boolean True to indicate that the Custom Field is mandatory to complete.
DefaultValue String The default value of the Custom Field.
OrderId Integer The order of the Custom Field.
Parameter Data Type Description
CustomFieldEntryId Integer The CustomField entry id.
CustomFormApplicationId Integer The CustomForm application id.
CustomFieldId Integer The CustomField id.
ReferenceId Integer The project id, asset id or comment id.
RefereneceType CustomFormType The asset type, project type or comment type.
UserId Integer The user id of the user who created the CustomForm application entry.
Value String The value of the CustomForm application entry.
DateCreated DateTime The date the CustomForm application entry was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the CustomForm application entry was modified in UTC.
Parameter Data Type Description
CustomFormId Integer The CustomForm id.
ReferenceType ReferenceType The type of the CustomForm.
Name String The name of the CustomForm.
Description String The description of the CustomForm.
Code String The code of the CustomForm.
DateCreated DateTime The date the CustomForm was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the CustomForm was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the CustomForm was removed in UTC.
Parameter Data Type Description
CustomFormApplicationId Integer The CustomForm application id.
CustomFormId Integer The CustomForm id.
ReferenceId Integer The project type.
Name String The name of the CustomForm application.
isEnabled Boolean True if the CustomForm application is enabled.
ReferenceTypeName String The name of the reference type.
CustomFormTypeName String The name of the CustomForm type.
DateCreated DateTime The date the CustomForm application was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the CustomForm application was modified in UTC.
includes CustomForm Component Business Objects
Parameter Data Type Description
DisplayType DateTimeDisplayType The type of date time display.
DateFormat DateFormat The type of date format.
TimeFormat TimeFormat The type of time format.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The deliverable id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
Name String The name of the deliverable.
Description String The description of the deliverable.
Code String The code of the deliverable.
StatusId Integer The status id of the deliverable.
FolderId Integer The folder id of the deliverable.
StatusCode String The status code of status id.
PhaseId Integer The phase id of the deliverable.
PhaseGroupId Integer The phase group id of the deliverable.
PhaseCode String The phase code of the phase id.
ViewAll Boolean True if allowed to be viewed by all project members. False if allowed to be viewed by specific members from the project members. Default is true.
StartDate DateTime The start date of the deliverable in UTC.
EndDate DateTime The end date of the deliverable in UTC.
ProjectId Integer The project id of the deliverable.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The deliverable member id. The id is 0 when associated with project members.
TaskId Integer The deliverable id.
ReferenceId String The user id, role id or the team id.
ReferenceType Integer The user, role or team type of the reference id.
DateCreated DateTime The date the deliverable member was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the deliverable member was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the deliverable member was removed in UTC.
Name String The name of the deliverable member.
TypeName String The name of the type of the deliverable member.
Parameter Data Type Description
Subject String The subject line of the email to send.
Message String The body of the email to send.
Recipients <string, int32> A list of key/value pairs representing the ReferenceId and ReferenceType of the person to send the email to. To send an email to a non-ConceptShare user put in a valid email address as the string and 0 as the ReferenceType.
Parameter Data Type Description
Email String The email address of the external reviewer.
FirstName String The first name of the external reviewer.
LastName String The last name of the external reviewer.
Parameter Data Type Description
FlagName String The name of the flag.
Color String The color of the flag.
Count Integer The number of occurrences of this flag.
Unresolved Integer The number of occurrences of this flag that has no resolution specified.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The folder id.
ParentId Integer The parent id of the folder.
ProjectId Integer The project id of the folder is in.
TaskId Integer The task id.
Name String The name of the folder.
Description String The description of the folder.
Parameter Data Type Description
SearchText String The text to search by
SubmittedBy String A comma delimited string of ReferenceType and ReferenceId pairs. Example “3_149, 4_10” is a list of 2 ReferenceType/ReferenceId pairs where 3 is a User ReferenceType, 149 is the UserId, 4 is a Team ReferenceType and 10 is the TeamId.
Parameter Data Type Description
ProjectId Integer The project Id.
ReviewId Integer The review Id.
FolderIdList String Comma delimited list of Folder id's.
AssetIdList String Comma delimited list of Asset id's.
SummaryOptions SummaryOptions Bitwise integer of Summary options.
AssetOptions AssetOptions Bitwise integer of Asset options.
FeedbackOptions FeedbackOptions A list of options and filters for feedback.
FeedbackFilter FeedbackFilters FeedbackFilter Business object.
FeedbackSortType FeedbackSortType Enum integer of FeedbackSortType.
SortFeedbackAscending Boolean Bit flag to determine sort order.
DeliveryOptions DeliveryOptions DeliveryOptions business object.
FeedbackEmails EmailReport[] List of EmailReport objects.
Parameter Data Type Description
OnlyFeedbackWithReplies Boolean Only include feedback that contain replies.
OnlyFeedbackWithReferenceLinks Boolean Only include feedback that contain reference links.
OnlyUnreadFeedback Boolean Only include feedback that has unread feedback.
OnlyUnflaggedFeedback Boolean Only include feedback that has not be flagged.
OnlyUnresolvedFeedback Boolean Only include feedback that has not be resolved.
OnlyFlaggedFeedback Boolean Only include feedback that has been flagged.
OnlyResolvedFeedback Boolean Only include feedback that has been resolved.
FlagList Integer[] A list of flags to filter on. If no list is provided any flag is will match.
FlagResolutionList Integer[] A list of flag resolutions to filter on. If no list is provided any flag resolution will match.
Parameter Data Type Description
ReferenceId Integer The reference id.
ReferenceType Integer The reference type.
Name String The name of the folder item.
Description String The description of the folder item.
FolderId Integer The name of the folder.
AssetId Integer The asset id.
AssetFileName String The asset's file name
DateCreated DateTime The date the folder item was created.
AssetType AssetType The type of the asset.
FolderType FolderType The type of the folder.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The license id.
AccountLimit Integer The maximum number of accounts allowed.
UserLimit Integer The maximum number of users allowed.
StorageLimit Integer The maximum number of storage allowed.
AvailableAccounts Integer The number of available accounts.
AvailableUsers Integer The number of available users.
AvailableStorage Integer The amount of available storage.
TotalAccounts Integer The total number of accounts.
TotalStorage Integer The total storage available.
TotalUsers Integer The total number of users.
ActualStorage Integer The actual storage available.
EnabledModules String The modules that are enabled.
EnabledPackages String The packages that are enabled.
DateExpiry DateTime The date the license expires in UTC.
DateMaintenanceStart DateTime The starting maintenance date.
DateMaintenanceEnd DateTime The ending maintenance date.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The instance admin id.
User Integer The user that is the instance admin.
DateCreated DateTime The date the user was added as an instance admin in UTC.
Parameter Data Type Description
LanguageId Integer The language id.
IsActive Boolean True if the language is active.
Name String The name of the language.
Code String The code of the language.
IsDefault Boolean True if the language is default.
includes CustomForm Component Business Objects
Parameter Data Type Description
MultiSelect Boolean The ability to select multiple items.
VisibleLines Integer The number of lines that are visible.
DisplayType ListDisplayType The type of the list component.
Items String The name of the items.
Values String The values of the items.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The localization id.
Type LocalizationType The type of the localization.
Key String The key of the localization.
Value String The value associated with the key.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The localization Entry id.
LocalizationId Integer The localization id.
Type LocalizationType The type of the localization.
Key String The key of the localization.
Value String The value associated with the key.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The localization override id.
LocalizationEntry Integer The localization entry id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
Value String The overridden value.
LanguageId Integer The language id.
LocalizationType LocalizationType The type of localization.
LanguageName LanguageName The language name.
LanguageCode LanguageCode The language code.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The package id.
IsActive Boolean True if the package is active.
CanDisableModules Boolean True if the package can disable or enabled modules.
CanDisableOptions Boolean True if the package can disable or enabled options.
Name String The name of the package.
Description String The description of the package.
Code String The code of package.
Storage Integer The storage limit.
StoragePerUser Integer The storage per user limit.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The partner key id.
Name String The name of the partner key.
PartnerAPIEnabled Boolean True if the partner api access is enabled.
HostedAPIEnabled Boolean True if the hosted api access is enabled.
Key String The key for authorizing access.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The project id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
AccountName String The name of the account.
Name String The name of the project.
Description String The description of the project.
StatusId Integer The status id of the project.
PhaseId Integer The phase id of the project.
PhaseGroupId Integer The phase group of the phase id.
StatusCode String The status code of the status of the project.
FolderId Integer The project's root folder id.
StartDate DateTime The start date of the project in UTC.
EndDate DateTime The end date of the project in UTC.
Archived Boolean Whether or not the projet is archived.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The folder id.
ParentId Integer The folder's parent folder id.
Name String The name of the project folder.
Description String The description of the project folder.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The project member id.
ProjectId Integer The project id.
EmailAddress String The user's email address.
Name String The name of the project member.
RoleId Integer The role id of the project member on the project.
RoleCode String The role code of the project member.
RoleName String The role name of the project member.
ReferenceId Integer The user id or team id.
ReferenceType ReferenceType The user type or team type of the reference id.
DateCreated DateTime The date when the project member was added in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date when the project member was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date when the project member was removed in UTC.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The project template id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
UserId Integer The user id of the user who created the project template.
PhaseId Integer The phase if of the project template.
PhaseGroupId Integer The phase group if of the phase id.
WorkflowTemplateId Integer The workflow template id.
Name String The name of the project template.
Description String The description to the project template.
DateCreated DateTime The date the project template was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the project template was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the project template was removed in UTC.
Parameter Data Type Description
UniqueId String The unique guid id.
QueueItemType QueueItemType The type of queue item type.
Data String The Data associated with the queue item.
QueueItemSubType String The type of element in the queue.
AccountId Integer The account id.
UserId Integer The user id if the user who initialized the queue item.
Data String The xml data of the queue item.
StartedBy String The queue service that started the processing.
LastError String The error that occurred during processing.
DateCreated DateTime The date the queue item was created in UTC.
DateStarted DateTime The date the queue item started to process in UTC.
DateCompleted DateTime The date the queue item completed processing in UTC.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The recycle bin id.
AccountId Integer The aInsertccount id.
UserId Integer The user id of the user who added he item to the recycle bin.
ReferenceId Integer The id of the item added to recycle bin.
ReferenceType ReferenceType The type of the reference id.
DateRecycled DateTime The date when the item was added to recycle bin in UTC.
Name String The name of the item.
AccountName String The account name.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The reminder id.
ReferenceId Integer The reference id of the reminder of.
ReferenceType ReminderType The type of the reference id.
Amount Integer The amount of time based on the type.
Type AmountType The type of the reminder time.
ReminderSent Boolean True if the reminder was sent.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The review id.
PreviousReviewId Integer The previous review id (if in a chain).
ReviewType ReviewType The type of review. DEPRECATED
AutoApproveMethod AutoApproveMethod The auto approve method associated with the review.
ReferenceId Integer The reference id associated with the review.
ReferenceType Integer The reference type associated with the review.
ProjectId Integer The project id associated with the review.
ProjectName String The project name.
CreatedById Integer The user id of the user who created the review.
CreatedByName String The user name of the user who created the review.
StatusId Integer The status id of review.
StatusCode String The status code of the status id of the review.
StatusName String The status name of the status id of the review.
IsHighPriority Boolean The priority of the review. Normal Priority: 0 and High Priority: 1
ReviewCommentsOnly Boolean True if only reviewing the comments are allowed.
AllowFeedback Boolean True if the feedback is allowed.
AllowNotes Boolean True if commenting on assets are allowed.
AllowMembersToView Boolean True if allowed members to view the review results.
RequireResourceOnDeferral Boolean True if members are required to specify a resource on deferral.
AllowDeferralResponses Boolean True if allowed members to defer their responses.
Code String The code of the review.
Title String The title of the review.
Description String The description of the review.
AutoTags String The tags for the asset.
DueDate DateTime The due date of the review in UTC.
DateCompleted DateTime The date the review was completed in UTC.
DateCreated DateTime The date the review was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the review was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the review was removed in UTC.
StartRule StartRule The start rule associated with the review.
ChainId String The chain id.
ChainOrder Integer The order index for the review in the chain.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The review id.
PreviousReviewId Integer The previous review id (if in a chain).
Title String The title of the review.
Code String The code of the review.
Instructions String The description of the review.
StartRule StartRule The review's start rule
ChainId String The chain id.
ChainOrder Integer The order index for the review in the chain.
ReviewCommentsOnly Boolean True if only reviewing the comments are allowed.
AllowFeedback Boolean True if the feedback is allowed.
AllowDeferralResponses Boolean True if allowed members to defer their responses.
RequireResourceOnDeferral Boolean True if members are required to specify a resource on deferral.
ElectronicSignatureRequired Boolean True if members are required to electronically sign their submission.
CompletionRule CompletionRule The auto-completion rule (if any)
AutoTags String The tags for the asset.
DueDate DateTime The due date of the review in UTC.
DateCompleted DateTime The date the review was completed in UTC.
DateCreated DateTime The date the review was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the review was modified in UTC.
Project ReviewDetailedProject The basic project details including id and name.
Deliverable ReviewDetailedDeliverable The basic deliverable details (if used) including id and name.
Owner ReviewDetailedOwner The basic owner details including id and name.
Status ReviewDetailedStatus The basic status details including id, name and code.
Members ReviewDetailedMember[] The list of review participants including name, role, and status.
Items ReviewDetailedItem[] The list of review items including status and basic asset information.
Parameter Data Type Description
Review Review The review profile.
Items Items The items of the review as Review Item business object.
Members Members The members of the review as Review Member business object.
Response Response The responses of the review as Review Response business object.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The review item id.
ReviewId Integer The review id.
AssetId Integer The asset id of the review item.
FolderId Integer The folder id of the review item.
Name String The name of the review item.
StatusId Integer The status id of the review item.
StatusCode String The status code of the review item.
StatusName String The status name of the review item.
DateCreated DateTime The date the review item was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the review item was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the review item was removed in UTC.
CompatibilityWarnings String Compatibility warnings for this review item.
UploadStatus Integer Upload Status for this review item.
Statistics FlagStatistics The flag statistics for this review item.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The review item id.
Asset Id Integer The review item asset id.
AssetName String The name of the asset.
VersionNumber Integer The version number of the asset.
Statistics FlagStatistics[] The statistics for the review item.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The review member id.
ReviewId Integer The review id.
StatusId Integer The status id of the review by the review member.
StatusCode String The status code of the status id.
StatusName String The status name of the status id.
Name String The name of the review member.
ReferenceId Integer The user id, role id or team id that the review is assigned to.
ReferenceType Integer The type of reference id.
FromReferenceId Integer The user id, role id or team id that the review was assigned from.
FromReferenceType Integer The type of reference id that the review was assigned from.
ReviewRoleId Integer The review role id of the member.
ReviewRoleName String The review role name of the member.
Comments String The comment that is made during the review by the user, role or team.
DateCompleted DateTime The date the review was completed by the review member in UTC.
DateCreated DateTime The date the review member was added to the review in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the review member was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the review member was removed in UTC.
Parameter Data Type Description
ReviewMemberId Integer The review member id.
MemberName String The review member name.
ReviewItemId Integer The review item id.
AssetId Integer The asset id.
Name String The name.
ItemStatusId Integer The item status id.
ItemStatusCode String The item status code.
ItemStatusName String The item status name.
ItemStatusColor String The item status color.
ReviewResponseId Integer The review response id.
StatusId Integer The status id.
StatusCode String The status code.
StatusColor String The status color.
StatusName String The status name.
DateResponse DateTime The date the review response was created in UTC.
TotalComments Integer Total amount of comments
NoResponse Integer Total amount of no responses.
Approved Integer Total amount of approved.
Rejected Integer Total amount of rejected.
DateCompleted DateTime The date completed in UTC.
ReferenceId Integer The reference id.
Parameter Data Type Description
Review Id Integer The review id.
Items ReviewItemStatistics[] The statistics for individual review items.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The role id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
RoleCategoryType Integer The category of the role. Account: 2, Project: 3
Code String The code of the role.
Name String The name of the role.
SystemRole Boolean True if the role is a system role.
DateCreated DateTime The date the role was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the role was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the role was removed in UTC.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The role permission id.
Code String The code of the role permission.
Name String The name of the role permission.
Allowed Boolean True if the role permission is allowed.
Locked Boolean True if the permission is allowed to be overridden.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The review role id.
Code String The code of the role permission.
Name String The name of the role permission.
Permissions ReviewRolePermissions The review role permission.
ActionRequired ReviewRoleActionRequired Type of Action required.
EmailSetting ReviewRoleEmailSetting The review role email setting.
SystemRole Boolean True if the role is a system role.
Parameter Data Type Description
AddCommentReplies bool Is able to add comment replies.
AddComments bool Is able to add comment.
DeleteAnyComments bool Is able to delete any comments.
DeleteComments bool Is able to delete own comments.
EditAnyCommentReplies bool Is able to edit any comment replies.
EditAnyComments bool Is able to edit any comments.
EditCommentReplies bool Is able to edit own comment replies.
EditComments bool Is able to edit own comments.
PromoteComments bool Is able to promote comments.
ResolveFeedbackFlags bool Is able to resolve feedback flags.
UseFeedbackFlags bool Is able to use feedback flags.
ViewCommentReplies bool Is able to view comment replies.
Parameter Data Type Description
EmailAssetVersion bool Send email on asset version uploaded.
EmailReminders bool Send email reminders about required action.
EmailReviewDeleted bool Send email on review deleted.
EmailReviewUpdated bool Send email on review updated.
EmailReviewInvitations bool Send email when added to a review.
EmailReviewerSubmit bool Send email on review submited.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The status id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
ReferenceType StatusType The type for what the status is for.
Name String The name of the status.
Code String The code of the status.
Color String The color in associated with the status.
SystemStatus Boolean True if the status is a system status.
DateCreated DateTime The date the status was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the status was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the status was removed in UTC.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The status id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
ReferenceType StatusGroupType The type for what the status group is for.
Name String The name of the status group.
Code String The code of the status group.
DateCreated DateTime The date the status group was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the status group was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the status group was removed in UTC.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The team id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
Name String The name of the team.
Description String The description of the team.
WorkRequiresDelegation Boolean True if the team items must be reassigned by Managers only. False if the team items can be picked up by any members.
ProjectRoleId Integer The project role id.
ReviewRoleId Integer The default review role id (if the feature is enabled).
DateCreated DateTime The date the team was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the team was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the team was removed in UTC.
TotalMembers Integer The number of total members in the team.
TotalManager Integer The number of total managers in the team.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The team member id.
TeamId Integer The team id.
ReferenceID Integer The user id or team id of the team member.
ReferenceType ReferenceType The user type or team type of the reference id.
TeamManager Integer True if the team member is the manager of the team.
DateCreated DateTime The date the team member was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the team member was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the team member was removed in UTC.
UserAccountId Integer The account user id.
UserRole Integer The user's account role id.
UserId Integer The user id.
FullName String The full name of the user.
RoleName String The role account role name of the user.
EmailAddress String The email address of the user.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The team member id.
AccountId Integer The team id.
Name Integer The user id or team id of the team member.
Description ReferenceType The user type or team type of the reference id.
WorkRequiresDelegation Integer True if the team member is the manager of the team.
ProjectRoleId Integer The project role id.
DateCreated DateTime The date the team member was created in UTC.
DateModified DateTime The date the team member was modified in UTC.
DateRemoved DateTime The date the team member was removed in UTC.
TotalMembers Integer The total amount of members in the team.
TotalManagers Integer The total amount of managers in the team.
DefaultProjectRole String The default project role
includes CustomForm Component Business Objects
Parameter Data Type Description
MultiLine Boolean The ability to have multiple lines for input.
VisibleLines Integer The number of lines that are visible.
WatermarkText String The text to display as watermark on the textbox.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The time zone id.
Name String The name of the timezone.
StandardName String The standard name of the timezone.
UsesDayLightSavings Boolean True if the timezone uses the daylight savings.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The todo id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
Name String The name of the todo.
Description String The description of the todo.
Code String The code of the todo.
CreatedByName String The name of the person who created the todo.
StatusGroupId Integer The status group of the status id.
StatusId Integer The status id of the todo.
StatusCode String The status code of the status id.
StatusName String The status name of the status id.
ProjectId Integer The project id of the todo.
ProjectName String The project name.
AssignedToRefId Integer The user id, role id or team id the todo is assigned to.
AssignedToRefType ReferenceType The type of assignedToRefId.
ReferenceId Integer The deliverable id of the todo.
ReferenceType ReferenceType The type of the reference id.
DueDate DateTime The due date of the todo in UTC.
Parameter Data Type Description
Code String The account module code.
Enabled Boolean Specifies whether the module should be enabled or not.
Parameter Data Type Description
UserId Integer The user id.
SessionId String The session id of the user.
UserName String The email address of the user.
FirstName String The first name of the user.
LastName Integer The last name of the user.
FullName Integer The full name of the user.
LdapName String The lightweight directory access protocol name.
IsRegistered Boolean True if the user is registered.
IsActive Boolean True is the user is active.
EncryptedId String The encrypted id of the user.
ApiToken String The api access token of the user.
TimeZone String The timezone name of the user's timezone preference.
TimeZoneId Integer The timezone id of the user's timezone preference.
LanguageCode String The language code for the user's language preference.
NewUserName String The new username.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The user login history id.
UserId Integer The user id.
AccountId Integer The account id.
IpAddress String The ip address of the user.
LoginDate Datetime The login date.
LogoutDate Datetime The logout date.
Parameter Data Type Description
Id Integer The workflow id.
Name String The name of the workflow.
Code String The code of the workflow.
Description String The description of the workflow.
CreatedBy Integer The user id of the user who created the workflow.
CreatedByName String The user name of the user who created the workflow.
DateCreated DateTime The date the workflow was created in UTC.
ReferenceId Integer The reference id.
ReferenceType Integer The reference type.